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356 Views What is schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia was first identified more than a century ago, but we still don't know its exact causes. It remains one of the most misunderstood and stigmatized illnesses today. So what do we actually know about its symptoms, causes, and treatments? Anees Bahji investigates. [Directed by Artrake Studio, narrated by Susan Zimmerman, music by Stephen LaRosa].
Post date : 2020-04-06 15:48 Posted by : peter88
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309 Views What the world can learn from China's response to the coronavirus
From Hong Kong, South China Morning Post CEO Gary Liu tracks China's response to the coronavirus pandemic -- from the initial outbreak in Wuhan to the shutdown of Hubei province and the containment measures taken across its major cities. Sharing insights into how the culture in places like Hong Kong and South Korea contributed to fast action against the virus, Liu identifies lessons people across the world can use to stop its spread. (This virtual conversation is part of the TED Connects series, hosted by head of TED Chris Anderson and current affairs curator Whitney Pennington Rodgers. Recorded March 25, 2020)
Post date : 2020-04-06 15:46 Posted by : peter88
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345 Views The quest for the coronavirus vaccine
When will the coronavirus vaccine be ready? Epidemiologist Seth Berkley (head of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance) takes us inside the effort to create a vaccine for COVID-19. With clarity and urgency, he explains what makes it so challenging to develop, when we can expect it to be rolled out at scale and why we'll need global collaboration to get it done. (This virtual conversation is part of the TED Connects series, hosted by head of TED Chris Anderson and current affairs curator Whitney Pennington Rodgers. Recorded March 26, 2020)
Post date : 2020-04-06 15:43 Posted by : peter88
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343 Views How the world's longest underwater tunnel was built
Flanked by two powerful nations, the English Channel has long been one of the world's most important maritime passages. Yet for most of its history, crossing was a dangerous prospect. Engineers proposed numerous plans for spanning the gap, including a design for an underwater passage more than twice the length of any existing tunnel. Alex Gendler details the creation of the Channel Tunnel. [Directed by Studio Kimchi, narrated by Addison Anderson, music by Aurélien Vieira Lino].
Post date : 2020-04-06 15:40 Posted by : peter88
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346 Views How we can navigate the coronavirus pandemic with courage and hope
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks offers thoughts on how we can navigate the coronavirus pandemic with courage, hope and empathy. With wisdom and clarity, he speaks on leadership, fear, death, hope and how we could use this moment to build a more just world. Watch for a special, impromptu prayer about halfway through the conversation. (This virtual conversation is part of the TED Connects series, hosted by head of TED Chris Anderson and head of curation Helen Walters. Recorded March 30, 2020)
Post date : 2020-04-06 15:38 Posted by : peter88
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321 Views How to make pandemics optional, not inevitable
What can past pandemics teach us how to tackle the current one? Tracing the history of contagions from cholera to Ebola and beyond, science journalist Sonia Shah explains why we're more vulnerable to outbreaks now than ever before, what we can do to minimize the spread of coronavirus and how to prevent future pandemics. (This virtual conversation is part of the TED Connects series, hosted by science curator David Biello and current affairs curator Whitney Pennington Rodgers. Recorded March 31, 2020)
Post date : 2020-04-06 15:37 Posted by : peter88
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310 Views A fascinating time capsule of human feelings toward AI
How comfortable are you with robots taking over your life? Covering a wide range of potential applications -- from the mundane (robot house cleaner) to the mischievous (robot sex partner) to the downright macabre (uploading your brain to live on after death) -- technology strategist Lucy Farey-Jones shares data-backed evidence of how our willingness to accept AI may be radically changing.
Post date : 2020-03-21 13:04 Posted by : peter88
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311 Views How you can support farmers in the US
Farmers keep us fed and our economies stable, but in the US they're retiring faster than they're being replaced. Take a crash course in agricultural policy with Eric Sannerud to see why this problem can't be solved by simply buying from your local farmer's market -- and learn how you can use your vote to create a better future for farmers.
Post date : 2020-03-21 13:00 Posted by : peter88
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329 Views How repaying loans with social service transforms communities
What if you could repay loans through volunteering and mentorship instead of money? Activist Angie Murimirwa shares how a game-changing economic tool known as "social interest" is reinvigorating sub-Saharan communities once trapped in cycles of poverty. Join her as she explains how this approach to lending is creating opportunities for thousands of African women and girls -- and shows why this model can be replicated anywhere with lasting effects.
Post date : 2020-03-21 12:57 Posted by : peter88
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319 Views How can we solve the antibiotic resistance crisis?
Antibiotics: behind the scenes, they enable much of modern medicine. We use them to cure infectious diseases, and to safely facilitate everything from surgery to chemotherapy to organ transplants. But we've stopped discovering new ones and we're at risk of losing them forever. How did we get into this situation? Gerry Wright shares what we can do about antibiotic resistance. [Directed by Artrake Studio, narrated by Addison Anderson, music by Stephen LaRosa].
Post date : 2020-03-20 10:54 Posted by : peter88