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Jenny Beaumont: Doing it wrong- Comment

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Username : moviegoer
Category : IT Workshop
Views : 385
Post date : 2019-10-28 18:36
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The Internet was the promise of freedom of information, but it never promised the information would be truthful or objective. What was good for you yesterday, isn’t today. Fail fast, fail early, fail often, but filter the imperfections out of your Instagram. Cultivate your intuition, and fear nothing, but how can you be sure that your intuition isn’t a fight-or-flight response? Since the first time she was told she was ‘doing it wrong’, Jenny has been fascinated by the contradictions of ‘fact’ and ‘truth’ that shape how we view the world. Join her as she explores science, history, medicine, yoga, agile and more; and how these ideas affect us as individuals and as members of a rapidly growing community.
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