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Man gets longer sentence after obscenity-filled tirade in courtroom - Comment

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Username : moviegoer
Category : People
Views : 529
Post date : 2019-03-22 03:12
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A defendant upset about his sentence ended up with more prison time following his tirade in Lake County Common Pleas Court.

Manson M. Bryant, 32, of Painesville, appeared in court on March 1 for sentencing on charges of aggravated burglary, aggravated robbery and carrying a concealed weapon. Video of the hearing was released on Tuesday.

When Judge Eugene Lucci revealed the defendant would spend 22 years in prison, Bryant stood up and began shouting.

"F*** your courtroom, you -a** b****! F*** your courtroom, man. You as f***!" Bryant can be heard yelling on the video. "Twenty-two f****** years! You -a** b****"

Deputies in the courtroom restrained Bryant and moved him away from the judge, but he continued to yell. That prompted Lucci to add six more years.

Bryant will now spend 28 years behind bars.
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