Marly's Visit To Belgium
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Marly's Visit To Belgium- Comment

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Username : MarlyTravel
Category : Travel & Places
Views : 1137
Post date : 2012-01-14 04:56
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This is Marly's visit to Antwerp, Belgium. When I arrived, I met Kitten. I wasn't too sure at first but then we became best buddies. We went sailing along

the Belgian coast. I was scared at first but I was tied down very well so that I wouldn't end up in the water.
At one stage though, I thought they were going to make me walk the plank!!. I even had fun doing my Titanic

moment. We went on a pub crawl. I am not a big drinker, despite what the photos show! However, I don't remember how I ended up, upside down in the bag!

I had fun riding a bike and we went to Market Square. There are so many beautiful buildings to see.
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