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MARBLE LAB (or, how to upgrade your GH2 on a mac)- Comment

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Username : moviegoer
Category : Arts & Animation
Views : 711
Post date : 2011-09-22 11:49
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Trying the new physics engine of upcoming Cinema 4DR13. Also using greyscalegorilla lightkit pro and the greyscalegorilla texture kit with the lovely beeple textures. Added some plexus lines and dots in After Effects...

No, just kidding...

I wanted to try the GH2 hack. So I played around with my GH2 and did some macro shots. 1080/24p at 42Mbit. Patched with PTools 3.61D

Find out how to use the hack on my blog: beeldlab.nl/​installing-gh2-hack-with-a-mac/​

Used a Canon FD 50mm 1.4 with adjustable macro ring and a cheapo c-mount 9 mm

Do not judge image quality on vimeo, it makes no sense.

More work on beeldlab.nl
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