Answered: [Security threat] tags are not sanitized in extra question field

Post date: 2020-07-01 00:44:51
Views: 116

Hey q2apro, I think you are testing the default q_view_extra($q_view); function.

The default function is still safe. But if you pull the content from the databse, it's not safe.

First, look! The script is stored in database.


Second, if create a function to pull that content form the datase:

public function q_item_extra($q_item)
$postidz = $q_item'raw']'postid'];
$extra = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub(
       'SELECT content FROM ^postmetas WHERE title="qa_q_extra" AND postid=#',
   ), true);
 //$extra = $q_item'extra']'content'];
        $this->output('My info:'.$extra);   

Here's the result:


I hope you'll get my point.

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