Problem about PHP code execution when a visitor posts a question on the website.

Post date: 2019-11-16 20:15:53
Views: 131
Hello everybody!

I want to make plugin that will trigger some PHP code when someone post new question. This is what I got for now:

if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
    header('Location: ../../');
class FacebookDebugger {
     * developers.(
     * Updating Objects
     * When an action is published, or a Like button pointing to the object clicked,
     * Facebook will 'scrape' the HTML page of the object and read the meta tags.
     * The object scrape also occurs when:
     *      - Every 7 days after the first scrape
     *      - The object URL is input in the Object Debugger
     *          developers.)
     *      - When an app triggers a scrape using an API endpoint
     *           This Graph API endpoint is simply a call to:
     *           POST /?id={object-instance-id or object-url}&scrape=true
     * gist.github.(com/FrostyX/81d58222d1e835e24013
    public function reload($url) {
        $graph = 'graph(';
        $post = 'id=' . urlencode($url) . '&scrape=true';
        return $this->send_post($graph, $post);
    private function send_post($url, $post) {
        $r = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($r, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        curl_setopt($r, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
        curl_setopt($r, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
        curl_setopt($r, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt($r, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
        $data = curl_exec($r);
        return $data;
class qa_event_clear_cache {
    public function process_event($event, $userid, $handle, $cookieid, $params) {
        /* require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'app/emails.php';
        require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'app/format.php';
        require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'util/string.php'; */
        if ($event == 'q_post') {
            $fb = new FacebookDebugger();
            $fb->reload(qa_q_path($params'postid'], $params'title'], true));
        } else {

So, as you can see I am trying to add code that will clear Facebook share cache immediately after question is published. I found FB share cache clear script on Github and now I want to implement that in Q2A plugin. I am beginner in PHP, so sorry if my code is silly. Or, maybe there is some another way to do that automatically?

Thank you very much!
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