
AI-Based Sales Training Software: Second Nature | Quantified | Awarathon

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2024-02-12 14:28
Description : Revolutionize Your Sales Team with Cutting-Edge AI-Based Sales Training Software!

Empower your sales force with advanced AI-driven training solutions that offer immersive scenarios, personalized feedback, and skill refinement. Elevate your team’s capabilities, ensure consistency, and boost confidence, ultimately driving sales success and enhancing overall performance for business success.

Explore Second Nature, Quantified, and Awarathon, leading platforms that enable reps to practice sales strategies in real-life scenarios, providing AI feedback and tailored guidance. Making the right choice in sales coaching platforms can be challenging due to the abundance of options. Second Nature, Quantified, and Awarathon are noteworthy contenders if your firm is considering AI-based sales training.

Second Nature, founded in 2018, utilizes conversational AI to discuss with sales reps, score their performance, and aid self-improvement for successful sales calls. SAP, Twilio, Zoom, and CheckPoint are among its esteemed clients. Features include AI sales training, gamified challenges, sales certificates, reports and analytics, slide presentation simulation, and LMS integration.

Quantified, established in 2012, focuses on sales simulation and coaching using artificial personas. Notable users include Sanofi, Grant Thornton, Army West Point, and Applied Material. Quantified boasts feature like capability analytics, AI-powered role-play simulations, coaching, certification, and reporting, offering a secure and efficient sales enablement experience.

Awarathon, founded in 2018, introduces Trinity, an AI-generated persona, transforming sales coaching with realistic simulations, adaptable AI persona, probing capabilities, and objection handling. Clients such as Doctor Reddy, Sun Pharma, Glenmark, Novartis, Mankind, and Bajaj Finserv attest to its effectiveness. Awarathon offers an advanced AI simulator, intent mapping, customizable AI persona, objection handling, real-time performance feedback, robust reports and analytics, on-the-go training, a risk-free practice environment, content libraries, and a multilingual assessment module.

Regarding cost, Awarathon stands out with affordability, charging $10 for the pro variant and $12 for the premium, compared to competitors charging $30-$50 per user.

Awarathon, with its advanced AI simulation, customizable AI personas, real-time performance metrics, and comprehensive features, emerges as a leader in AI-enabled sales training. The platform’s affordability and client success stories on G2 further validate its position as a top choice for businesses seeking a state-of-the-art AI-enabled sales training platform.

Disclaimer: The information provided is based on publicly available data and is subject to change. Users are advised to verify details independently before making decisions based on the information herein. Awarathon disclaims liability for decisions made relying on the displayed information.

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