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In all types of examinations, it has long been a common practice to install wireless signal jammers in each examination room. However, almost...Read entire post
Posted on: 01 Nov 2023 03:09:23 am
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Cell phone jammers in the country's prisons are not enough to stop criminals inside from sending messages to others outside the prison.That's...Read entire post
Posted on: 26 Sep 2023 03:19:09 am
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As drones rise, so does counter-drone technology. While a variety of potential counter-drone solutions exist, including surveillance equipment...Read entire post
Posted on: 20 Sep 2023 02:42:24 am
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Lyon Saint Esteubury interference by jammer from the Agriculture category
A truck driver was arrested on Monday for using a GPS jammer to hide his geographical location from his employer for several weeks, interfering...Read entire post
Posted on: 16 Aug 2023 03:25:00 am
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Jamming devices can solve some simple communication problemsThe Canadian government has launched a 90-day public comment period on licensing technology...Read entire post
Posted on: 21 Jun 2023 02:40:05 am
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GPS signal breaker by jammer from the Agriculture category
  With the development of advanced technology, privacy flows out. Most people value their privacy. The development of GPS technology...Read entire post
Posted on: 26 Aug 2022 03:10:48 am
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Can GPS Jammers Really Destroy GPS Signals? by jammer from the Agriculture category
  August 28, 2004, the United States - McGregor said: During the Iraq War, the Iraqis destroyed GPS navigation data, making it impossible...Read entire post
Posted on: 24 Aug 2022 02:47:24 am
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  Why install cell phone GPS jammers? Some students use their cell phones to text each other during exams, check their writing online,...Read entire post
Posted on: 22 Aug 2022 08:35:37 am
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GPS Jammers Reduce Accident Rates by jammer from the Agriculture category
  Over time, many mobile devices—especially smartphones—have posed an increasing risk to U.S. drivers, prompting the...Read entire post
Posted on: 19 Aug 2022 05:40:48 am
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  The Canadian government has launched a 90-day public comment period to license technology to prevent the inappropriate use of...Read entire post
Posted on: 19 Aug 2022 03:18:56 am
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