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Crows in dreams by gerryshown00 from the Agriculture category
Dreaming of crows can bring up dark and ominous feeling, especially if other elements of the dream are spooky. Crows are historically associated...Read entire post
Posted on: 29 Oct 2022 06:14:52 pm
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june 5 zodiac sign by gerryshown00 from the Agriculture category
June 5th is a date that has a strong intellectual value but still stands to be a turning point in the emotional and sensitive side to every human....Read entire post
Posted on: 28 Oct 2022 07:02:33 pm
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Dec 3 zodiac by gerryshown00 from the Agriculture category
December 3 Sagittarius folks have personality plus. Their charm, good looks, and sex appeal make them appealing. They enjoy living the good life...Read entire post
Posted on: 28 Oct 2022 05:57:07 pm
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Feb 3 zodiac by gerryshown00 from the Agriculture category
February 3rd speaks of one's ability to connect the genuine truth with their heart, and instead of running away from problems at hand, face them...Read entire post
Posted on: 28 Oct 2022 05:40:18 pm
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Zodiac sign for february by gerryshown00 from the Agriculture category
You are the innovators of the Zodiac. The best way to understand your sign is to think about the progression through the earth signs of our celestial...Read entire post
Posted on: 28 Oct 2022 04:58:44 pm
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