What do you see as the upcoming direction of 3D printing in Europe

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Posted by DaniBogdan from the Technology category at 10 Mar 2023 01:16:15 am.
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In recent years, there has been steady progress made in the field of 3D printing technology; as a result, the market for additive manufacturing has demonstrated sufficient potential. One could say that the technology behind additive manufacturing has been developing consistently for a good number of years; in that case, what are the most recent trends, developments, and opportunities it faces?.
CECIMO, the association for the European machine tool industry, carried out a survey on November 26, 2022, which examined significant trends in additive manufacturing in Europe. The results of the survey were published. The survey will take place over a period of six months, and its primary objective is to provide assistance to the sector by identifying potential key areas of business. They focused primarily on assessing businesses in the additives industry. In addition, in order to collect the maximum amount of information possible, CECIMO collaborated with the VDMA, which is the German Engineering Federation, to jointly carry out research and research.
1. CECIMO (n.m.)
The European machine tool industry and other related manufacturing technologies are represented by CECIMO, which is an association.It brings together 15 national machine tool manufacturers associations, which together represent approximately 1,500 industrial companies across Europe (EU + UK + EFTA + Turkey), with more than 80% of these companies being classified as small and medium-sized businesses.CECIMO cnc machining service is responsible for approximately 98% of all machine tool production in Europe and approximately 33% of all machine tool production worldwide.In 2021, the company had approximately 150,000 employees and a revenue of approximately 22.5 billion euros.More than three quarters of CECIMO's output is sold in international markets, with the majority of those sales occurring outside of Europe..
This report on current and future developments in additive manufacturing in Europe is broken down into two sections:First, it online cnc machining service provides a presentation of the data results of the CECIMO survey in conjunction with the results of the VDMA survey. In the second part, data are presented for only a few of the countries that were polled by CECIMO. Therefore, these two sections provide a clear indication of the overall trend in additive manufacturing. In addition, they include other data such as investments, statistics on materials and machinery, exports, and customers from various industries such as aerospace and automotive.
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2. The field of 3D printing in Europe is in the midst of an exciting trend CECIMO makes a distinction between trends in internal markets and trends in external markets.
According to the survey that was carried out, approximately fifty percent of the respondents anticipated a moderate increase in the market in their native country, whereas only six percent anticipated a decline in the market.As a result, there is a prevalent sense of hope regarding the expansion of markets across the nation.In comparison to the findings of the prior survey, the results of this year's poll indicate that respondents have a more positive outlook on online machining services the expansion possibilities of the national market for external additive manufacturing.In the next six months, 47% believe that exports and orders from overseas will increase, 47% believe that the number of foreign orders will remain the same, and the remaining 6% anticipate a decline in the overseas market.Overall, CECIMO reports that there is growing optimism among companies that engage in additive manufacturing. This optimism can be attributed to increased demand from overseas in the European market.
When asked how they would assess the order situation in their own markets over the next six months, especially when compared to the six months prior, respondents indicated that order quantities are higher than they were previously. According to the findings of the survey conducted by CECIMO, the most significant increase in demand will occur for additively manufactured products and manufactured parts. Fifty-two percent are optimistic about the future, while only one percent anticipates things will get worse. The 1% figure is also noteworthy because the figure was 16% in the survey that was conducted in the spring of 2022. The remaining 36% of respondents believed that there would be the same number of orders. After experiencing a slight drop in demand during the spring of 2022, the additive manufacturing mechanical systems category is currently experiencing a significant uptick in demand, making it the second largest growth category overall. The fact that only one percent of respondents anticipate a decline in new orders is an encouraging sign for businesses that produce additive manufacturing machines because it indicates that the market is moving in the right direction.
3. The industry of 3D printing is anticipated to see an increase in investment.
According to the findings of the survey, a greater number of businesses indicated that they anticipated increasing their investment in additive manufacturing in the foreseeable future; however, a greater number of businesses also believed that this investment would decrease.According to CECIMO, this encouraging trend in investment is likely to continue given the robust nature of the additive manufacturing market and its history of expansion.The survey also inquired about opinions regarding the direction of future exports.The findings indicate that an increase in the number of orders placed for export is likely in the near future, with a smaller percentage of respondents expressing concern about this trend, while a greater number of respondents anticipate an expansion.It is anticipated that service providers for additive manufacturing will see an increase in orders of up to 59%.
In addition, respondents were asked to provide their projections for the total number of orders. When compared to the survey that was carried out in the spring of 2022, the pattern of strong growth is still present, but it has shifted. The composites trade saw a slight decline in terms of order forecasts, with metals coming in second with 60% of respondents expecting an increase in orders over the next six months. Only 1% of respondents anticipated a rise in orders.
In the report that CECIMO compiled on the latest developments in additive manufacturing in Europe, another topic that is covered is order volumes broken down by customer segment. The findings indicate that the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, as well as the aerospace and mechanical engineering industries, are getting more attention, and respondents anticipate better business in these areas. The projection for the aerospace industry increased to 37 percent, up from 7 percent previously, marking the highest level ever measured since the survey was first conducted. The percentage of respondents who are optimistic about the auto industry has fallen from 41% to 28%, indicating a decrease in the industry's positive growth. The respondents' outlook on the sector was more pessimistic than it had been in the past, despite the fact that order expectations for the sector remained high. CECIMO noted that this trend is probably due to supply challenges, as they pointed that out.
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