Police use jammers to stop criminals communications
Posted by jammer
from the Technology category at
09 Feb 2023 07:44:44 am.
Using high-scatter aluminum alloy shell, the working temperature is low, and the shielding effect is more stable.Police can use jammers to prevent criminals' communications and prevent terrorist attacks, such as jamming some signal-controlled bombs.The original purpose of the cell phone jammer was mainly for police and military applications.We've heard or known about cell phone jammers for a long time.Schools can use gps jammer to prevent cheating in exams, but they can't completely solve the situation where students are in class.Although there are many differences in the behavior of using cell phone jammers on the Internet, it does not stop the behavior of going to the school.
Therefore, the gas station that belongs to the fire prevention area is not only strictly forbidden to use mobile phones in the station, but also it is best not to use mobile phones within two or three meters around the gas station.In addition, gsm jammer can also let your children grow up in a good environment.When the cell phone battery starts, when the ringer rings, it can generate enough energy to cause a slight spark that can cause a fire.This dynamic electromagnetic field signal will induce mutation interference signals.
Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to use a mobile phone Gps jammer in the gas station.a relatively stable electromagnetic field surrounds signal, electrical equipment, that is, a static electromagnetic field, the interference of this static electromagnetic field to electrical equipment is almost zero.This is because there is no data exchange between the mobile phone and the base station when the mobile phone is not used, and it is impossible to form a sudden change.
When using a mobile phone, there is data exchange between the mobile phone and the base station, and random mutation signals are generated, so that a dynamic electromagnetic field is formed around the electrical equipment.In a gas station, the driver used a mobile phone when refueling, which caused an explosion and caused a serious accident that caused many casualties.At present, the mobile phone signal is almost everywhere, and all electrical equipment is surrounded by it.When the mobile phone signal amplifier is not used, the interference of the surrounded signal to other electrical equipment is minimal.
With the development of smart phones, more and more problems are brought to people's life, exposing more safety and social problems.More importantly, the mobile phone will spark during the dialing process, which can easily cause a fire and cause the gas station to explode.At the same time, gas stations should set up obvious signs prohibiting cell phone calls, and widely publicize safety knowledge, so that people understand that using wifi jammer in gas stations is undoubtedly walking with tigers.There have been many fires caused by the use of mobile phones across the country.
In the military, interceptors are used to block enemy communications.12V/24V DC power supply work, convenient for vehicle mobile work.The external design of the antenna and the unified interface at one end make the appearance more beautiful and decent.And it has an anti-loosening design, and the antenna and the host have a marked working frequency band for one-to-one correspondence.Relevant departments such as petroleum, chemical industry, and security have expressly stipulated that the use of mobile phones in gas stations is prohibited. The mobile phone's signal will affect the equipment's normal operation, resulting in inaccurate measurement.
Therefore, in order to solve the above problems, a simple and effective method is to use cell phone jammer.In such an environment, we can always block all signals easily, but if we use a public blocker, it may appear that the shielding effect is unstable.The cell phone jammer is mainly used in the examination room, and is not limited to the examination room.It can also be used in prisons, gas stations, mobile phone bomb prevention, oil depots, liquefied gas stations, detention centers, interrogation rooms, courts, labor camps, conference rooms, theaters, churches, etc.
Tags: jamming device
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