2K didn't pick between two of the giants

Posted by MacMillanwu
from the Sports and Fitness category at
11 Oct 2022 07:36:34 am.
It's the second consecutive year that 2K didn't pick between two of the giants that are widely considered the best centers in the world. In the past they both received 95 percent ratings in 2K22.I am feeling like I'm eating from Ronnie 2K's hand as of right now. It's true that we're still in the early days of the offseason . And with Kevin Durant pressing pause on the Brooklyn Nets' doomsday device in the past few weeks and what else are we left to discuss?
Whether it's Madden, NHL, FIFA, MLB the Show, or any other sports league video game. The release of the ratings for each player sparks heated debates. If you publish the ratings of the entire team within a certain team, it's natural for you to encounter a few crying fanboys, scorned rivals, and feeling of snubbery.
The athletes themselves also speak out sometimes on their ratings in order to bring the debate to a higher level. Durant was one of them earlier this week, as did an old teammate from Klay Thompson. Both were not happy with their current scores to not the least.It's my working theory that game designers use this technique deliberately with cheap 2k23 mt. They give out scores that are just enough controversial to stir up controversy without harming the integrity of the game. They promote discussion about their new game in the hopes that more people will buy it.