Requirements of Law Firm Software

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Posted by pagelightprime from the Business category at 10 Sep 2022 05:24:27 pm.
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Modern law offices are ready to embrace digitaltransformation to engage and serve clients from onboarding to final invoice. The objective is to free attorneys frommanual work which could otherwise be automated, so clients can be paidattention through their journey.

Implementing legal technology must be based on currentdigitization maturity level and management support. Governance team must advise on transformationjourney after thorough evaluation of vendors and budget available. Selection of vendors must not introduce newtraining for users and support tasks for the internal IT team. Alternatively, Office 365 and SharePointonline can be considered to get started with OneDrive for business.

Solutions must satisfy the requirements of law firm visionand road map. Process driven practiceareas can benefit from legal document automation and workflow. Litigation firms willrequire legal research and document bundle creation with ability to file thecourt documents. All in one software ispreferred than to integrate multiple vendors each addressing a point solutionof the law firm.

PageLightPrime law firm software addresses the requirements of different types of users like practice leaders,timekeepers, secretaries, and office staff. Built on Microsoft 365, PageLightPrime legal practice managementsoftware can serve prospective leads, qualify them as opportunities, and convertto paying clients. Once matter iscreated, workflow and stages are managed by matter team and providescollaboration platform for external attorneys and clients. Attorney time tracking software is available in mobile apps, browser, and desktop so no billing hours are lost. Record disbursements in lawyer expense tracking solution integrated with case management solution. Lawyers spend majority of the time in documents and PageLightPrime legaldocument management solution implements information lifecycle management processbased on department and practice area.

Extended benefits are to provide self-service to clients tocheck on matter status and assemble standard documents like NDA or Will.
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