How hardworking farmers contribute to Canada’s food chain

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Posted by KThompson920 from the Agriculture category at 28 Jun 2022 02:57:38 pm.
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Photos of empty grocery store shelves on social media and talk of supply chain concerns have some Canadians worried about potential food shortages.

While there have been some disruptions to Canada’s food supply chain due to harsh weather conditions, labour shortages and COVID-19 outbreaks, there’s no need to panic.

Hardworking farmers across the country play a critical role in maintaining Canada’s food chain, by employing hundreds of thousands of people and growing key crops for a growing world.

While Canada does rely on imports from around the world to supplement our food supply, it’s also home to a robust agriculture industry with nearly 200,000 farms across the country growing crops like canola, cereals and pulses, corn, potatoes and more. According to Statistics Canada, in 2021 alone, Canadian farmers produced 21.7 million tonnes of wheat, 12.6 million tonnes of canola and 6.3 million tonnes of soybeans.

The hard work and dedication of farmers, and an emerging focus on agricultural innovations that support higher crop yields and higher quality, is keeping our food supply chain strong.

According to Crop Life, plant science innovations have driven a 50 per cent increase in crop productivity over the last century, providing Canadians with access to a steady food supply. In addition, this innovation plays a key role in creating jobs, spurring economic growth and ensuring the sustainability of farming for years to come.

To help meet this growing need, BASF Canada Agricultural Solutions recently introduced 10 new tools to help growers tackle challenges on their fields, from unwanted weeds to hard-to-control pests and diseases.
Getting these tools to farmers in a timely and reliable manner is also critically important, as growing seasons cannot be delayed.

The company’s crop protection facility in Regina is one example of a local facility that’s producing solutions with Canadian growers in mind, rather than relying on facilities abroad. Keeping formulation in Canada, whenever possible, helps alleviate concerns about getting the products farmers depend on, on time.

While the world faces some disruptions to the food supply chain, we’re fortunate for Canadian farmers, who work hard to produce a reliable and abundant supply of high-quality crops in our own backyard. (NC)
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