December 2 zodiac sign: What is your personality?

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Posted by catrinathomas from the Human Interest category at 04 May 2022 05:33:12 pm.
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2 December Zodiac sign Sagittarius
2 December Birthstone Topaz, Citrine
2 December ruling Planet Jupiter
2 December Element Fire
2 December Lucky day Thursday
2 December Lucky Colors Gold
2 December Lucky Numbers 6, 9
2 December Zodiac Stone Turquoise
2 December Zodiac Compatibility Most Compatible with Aries and Leo.

Those born on December 2nd are attractive and graceful. Overtime, you will develop an influential social circle.

Your zodiac sign is Sagittarius and your astrological symbol is the archer.

You are ruled by the planet Jupiter. It gives you wisdom, youthfulness and optimism.

You are governed by the ‘Fire’ element. this fire element give you a constant pursuit for change and growth.

December 2 Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
For People born on December 2, the Zodiac sign is Sagittarius.

Sagittarius tend to have an impetuous character, who tend to be great athletes, quite cheerful and jovial, and are very studious. In turn, as a negative note of their personality, they are somewhat reckless, a bit radical and somewhat capricious.

The zodiac sign Sagittarius is usually associated with Thursday and purple, blue, violet colors. Sagittarius is associated with planet Jupiter and its related element is fire.

December 2 Birthday Positive and Negative Traits

Those born on December 2nd are under the sign of Sagittarius. They are full of optimism, calm, joyful and very direct. They are loyal companions although they are always “with their heads in the clouds”.

They have a very moody mind, and are prone to distraction, as they lack strict rules and don’t like to fixate on something for too long. They believe a lot in tomorrow, they are good and it almost seems that they do not fear poverty.

It is difficult for them to grasp the difference between “mine” and “yours”, but only because they feel that everyone should share what they have with others.

Their life is full of change and panache. They are great sportsmen, lovers of nature, holidays and long walks. Often faithful and gifted with deep intuition, they enjoy good health even if the weak points are related to digestion.

Common characteristics of the sign are positivity, self-confidence, cheerfulness, energy, intuition, non-sense of danger, independence, the wisdom; is a very complex character, which has in itself the ability to be an excellent conversationalist and a bad listener.

Sagittarius can be on the one hand an idealist and philosopher or an adventurer in search of new adrenaline experiences.

Sagittarius is very attached to family members both of origin and not; his wrath does not last long.

They are true friends, sensitive, very charming: their sensuality is exuberant and healthy. Nature has given this sign the gift of a long youth thanks to the love for sport and the outdoors.

They love the most pleasant things that existence can offer, but if, especially at a young age, they indulge too much in these pleasures, they will certainly suffer from it at a mature age.
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