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Dreams about cheating on your partner or your partner cheating on you can, understandably, cause a lot of anxiety. But these dreams don't necessarily...Read entire post
Posted on: 20 Feb 2023 05:45:10 pm
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What does a blue jay symbolize by Alice ward from the Computers category
Blue Jay Spiritual Meaning – Repeatedly seeing a bluejay around you suggests that angelic energies are trying to convey some vital information...Read entire post
Posted on: 20 Feb 2023 05:08:22 pm
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Many people may dream about flying, in which you could escape from the people, place, or events that bring pressure to you and feel a sense of...Read entire post
Posted on: 18 Feb 2023 05:07:36 pm
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White color meaning by Alice ward from the Computers category
The color white has a number of meanings and associations, although these may vary depending on the individual and the culture in which they live....Read entire post
Posted on: 18 Feb 2023 04:55:45 pm
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Fish dream meaning by Alice ward from the Computers category
We all dream, and the images in our dreams can be intriguing, unsettling, and symbolic. Dream interpretation has been practiced throughout history,...Read entire post
Posted on: 16 Feb 2023 05:22:22 pm
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Dream about a fire by Alice ward from the Computers category
One of the most powerful tools for understanding your dreams is a dream journal. That’s why we’ve created a range of beautiful printable...Read entire post
Posted on: 15 Feb 2023 05:17:15 pm
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Poop in a dream by Alice ward from the Computers category
Despite its disgusting nature, this body excrement has a bright side, especially when it appears in your dream.Poop in a dreamAccording to Sigmund...Read entire post
Posted on: 14 Feb 2023 04:43:06 pm
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Dreams about drowning by Alice ward from the Computers category
As a metaphor for a person’s internal state, drowning feels pretty easy to parse: People like to talk about how they’re drowning...Read entire post
Posted on: 10 Feb 2023 04:29:50 pm
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Meaning of a black swan by Alice ward from the Computers category
A black swan is an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected of a situation and has potentially severe consequences.Black swan...Read entire post
Posted on: 10 Feb 2023 03:52:51 pm
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Raven spiritual meaning by Alice ward from the Computers category
Thanks to Edgar Allen Poe and Alfred Hitchcock, crows and ravens have garnered a sinister reputation. But a bird expert told me that these breeds...Read entire post
Posted on: 09 Feb 2023 06:08:25 pm
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