Medical Marijuana and COPD/Asthma

Post date: 2017-08-21 04:44:17
Views: 288
Should I tell my doctor that I've been vaping?

I will start out by saying that I know I've acted stupidly. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, here is what has happened: I have COPD and asthma. I also have chronic pain for which I've a medical marijuana card, recently received. When I got the marijuana card I was told that vaping was safe for my lungs. This seemed too good to be true, which it was...] but I tried that route anyway.

Within a month I started having pain in my back upon breathing. I've thrown out the marijuana and am no longer vaping or using. If I use in the future it will be edibles. I've only stopped vaping for a week. The pain in my back persists. It has kept me from physical activities due to the pain.

I see a pulmonologist and I have an upcoming visit to see her. I will have a pulmonary function test at that time. Is it important for her to know that I have been smoking marijuana? Is it important for her to know I've been smoking anything? I'd rather not tell her anything. Thank you for your input.
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